Mein Tagebuch

Michael Haas
Kurze Selbstvorstellung auf Deutsch in einem Video
Mal sehen, was Sie von diesem Video verstehen. Hier sind einige Fragen dazu:
Wo bin ich geboren? Wo habe ich was studiert? Mit welchem Abschluss bin ich nach Japan gegangen? Welche Lerner habe ich unterrichtet und wie alt war mein ältester Schüler? Welchen Philosophen habe ich mit meinem ältesten Schüler gelesen? Welche anderen Sprachen habe ich unterrichtet? Wie soll Unterricht meiner Meinung nach sein? Welche Fremdsprachen spreche ich?
Welche Hobbys habe ich? Was mache ich `halb privat´?
In some words:
Michael HAAS (MH) has been teaching languages (French, English, Japanese) most of his life. He has been living in Asia for half of his life (Japan, Bali, Vietnam, Thailand).
Michael loves teaching, helping students to reach their goals.
If you want to learn German with me:
In more words:
M.H. was born in Augsburg (Germany) grew up in Waldeck Dinkelsbühl (Middle Franconia, Mittelfranken).
University Studies
Michael studied philosophy, politics, communication, DaF (German as a Foreign Language) at the LMU and languages (French, Italian, Spanish, English, Japanese, Thai) - University in Munich.
Work in Germany:
Teaching German, English and French at different language schools in Munich and Bad Wörishofen. Teaching German to nurses from Ireland with the goal to help them integrate linguistically in the German society and teach them the basics about clinical vocabulary. Work place was the hospital „Rechts der Isar“ in Munich.
Working at VHS, teaching French. Worked at “inlingua” teaching German to international groups.
University Degrees
M.A. Philosophy (Masters) 1990: M.A. DaF – German as a Foreign Language (Masters) 1996: PhD Linguistic Topic about Negation in German comparing to Italian
Work in Japan:
Work in Japan: Sapporo, Hokkaido University as a foreign lecturer for German and German culture, including philosophy. Teaching at Otaru Shodai (Otaru, Hokkaido)
Tsukuba, Tsukuba University as a foreign lecturer for German and German culture, including philosophy.
Also: Teaching French, English and German in private classes.
2003-2015: Bali
Michael lived in Bali for 12 years. Teaching English, German, French and Japanese. And: Writing (http://www.amazon.de/Michael- Haas/e/B00DZFL3V2), photography:
Also: Bangkok Doing writing and photography and teaching English.
Also: Working in Germany: teaching children of refugees in Hamburg, teaching at the SLI in Freiburg, teaching a course for language integration A1-B1 in Plauen, working in Cameroon Yaoundé for the Goethe-Institut.
Also: Living in Vietnam. Working as an Online-Teacher, doing photography and writing.
Languages: German, Indonesian, French, Italian, Spanish, English, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese (some sentences).
Other Skills: Yoga (M.H. is a yoga teacher).
Michael Haas, Mui Né, Vietnam February 4th 2020

Photo: Da Nang, Vietnam